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Store Agreement




This Agreement was concluded in Skopje, on _________, between:


1.    1. Mediation and online sales company STAR SHOP DOO Skopje,St. Slavej Planina No. 1/Pr-1 Centar Skopje with USIN 7669380 and UTN 4080023613970, represented by Manager Mustafa Ozkan Kapudzuoglu with Passport number U 24915212 with residential address of st. Donanma Mach. Ataturk Blvd. Gazi Apt. No. 20/10 Goldzuk Kodjaeli ( and

2.    ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Together referred to as Contracting Parties, and individually as Contracting Party.


Article 1

Subject of the contract


The subject of this agreement is mediation in the sale of goods and services through the Electronic Platform (hereinafter: Platform), as well as the provision of other services to support the Merchant by Starshop, which include the organization of the delivery of goods to buyers, advertising and other services.


An integral part of this agreement are the General terms of operation of Starshop, which are available on the Platform, at the following link: General terms of operation of for merchants and attached to this Agreement, and by signing this Agreement, the Merchant confirms that he has read them, has fully understood the General Terms and Conditions and fully agrees with their application.


Article 2

Commercial conditions for mediation and related services


Mediation services

The Merchant undertakes to pay Starshop a certain fee for the mediation service performed on the Platform (hereinafter: Intermediary fee) which is calculated and charged by the Merchant according to the value of the goods/services sold through the Platform and is expressed in the following amounts:


Category of goods/services

Amount in %

Whole assortment



Starshop acquires the right to Intermediary compensation at the moment of the sale of the goods to the buyer, that is, with the realization of the sales contract for which he mediated.


The Intermediary has the right to change the promotional intermediary fee at any time and should notify the Merchant within 30 days from the day of changing the Terms and the intermediary fee.


Calculation and invoicing of the Intermediary fee

At the end of each calendar month, calculates and invoices the Intermediary Fee for all goods/services sold or provided to buyers in that calendar month, within 5 days from the end of the month, with an invoice due date of 15 days . The invoice is delivered monthly, by e-mail to the e-mail address specified in Article 6 of this Agreement or by placing it on the Platform in a suitable place that is available for inspection by the Merchant.


The calculation and collection of the brokerage fee in cases where the goods are returned to the Merchant or to due to unsuccessful delivery, cancellation of the purchase by the consumer, lost and damaged shipments and complaints are defined in more detail in the General Terms and Conditions.


Delivery of goods to buyers for all goods sold through the Platform organizes and carries out collection, transport and delivery/return of goods to/from buyers. Delivery costs are paid by the buyer, and delivery conditions are defined in more detail in the document General conditions of purchase and pre-contractual information for consumers.

The merchant is obliged to make the type and quantity of the ordered goods with all the necessary accompanying documentation available to a courier service selected by at the following address(es) of the merchant's business premises:

on ................................................ .................(address data for Merchant)


Other ancillary services provides services in the field of electronic commerce and consumer protection, services for reproduction and printing of documentation in accordance with positive regulations in the field of electronic commerce, consumer protection and organization of payments, etc., which are performed using software tools and operational solutions of the Platform. The fee for these services is calculated in the brokerage fee.


The advertising service on the Platform is provided at the Merchant's request and upon approval of that request by The advertising service is subject to a separate agreement between and the Merchant.



Article 3

Issuance of the required documentation in accordance with the positive regulations in the area of cash payments


For the goods and services sold through the Platform, the Merchant is obliged to issue the necessary documentation to the buyer in accordance with the positive regulations in the area of cash payments and in connection with the turnover of goods and services using its own funds and devices.


In accordance with the agreement from paragraph 1 of this article, the relevant provisions of the General Terms and Conditions, which refer to the Merchant's obligations, will be applied.


Article 4

Responsibilities and Indemnities

By concluding this Agreement, the Contracting Parties undertake to respect their obligations provided for in this Agreement, the General Terms and Conditions, as well as the valid regulations of the Republic of North Macedonia and that in case of violation of any of these obligations and the statements and guarantees given in this Agreement, they will fully indemnify the other Contracting Party, i.e. in such cases, it will compensate the other Contracting Party for all damages, as well as for all incurred costs, compensations, fines and other costs that the other Contracting Party had/suffered in that occasion.

The merchant bears full and exclusive responsibility in relation to the goods/services, their properties and shortcomings, for respecting their obligations based on the concluded Agreement with STAR SHOP DOO Skopje and these General Terms and Conditions, as well as the valid regulations of the Republic of North Macedonia, and in case of any omission, violation or failure to comply with those obligations is obliged to compensate STAR SHOP DOO Skopje for all incurred damage and costs.

The merchant expressly declares that in the event of an objection from consumers, that is, in the event of a court dispute in connection with the product sold or the service provided from the merchant's assortment, and STAR SHOP DOO Skopje will be the defendant, then he expressly declares that he will appears as a party/intervenor in the court dispute and will assume all obligations that would arise if the fault of the first contractual party is proven, that is, the fault of the Merchant.

Article 5

Duration and Termination of the Agreement


This agreement is concluded for a certain period of 1 (one) year from the date of conclusion.

If one of the Contracting Parties does not notify the other Contracting Party no later than 30 (thirty) days before the expiration that it does not want to extend the duration of the Agreement, it will be considered that this Agreement is automatically extended for a further period of 1 (one) year.


The contract can be terminated in the following cases:


1. By agreement in written form,

2. Unilaterally at any time and without specifying the reason for termination or cancellation, by delivering to the other Contracting Party a notice of the termination of the contract, respecting the notice period of at least 15 (fifteen) days.








Regardless of the method of termination of this Agreement, the Merchant is obliged to fulfill all orders for goods/services that have been made until the expiration of the term of validity of the agreement, unless Starshop notifies him otherwise in writing.


Article 6



The contracting parties agree that communication based on and in connection with this Agreement is carried out by submitting data and documents to the following addresses:


Contact person: Funda Kuchevikj

e- mail address:

    Telephone Number 070415273


e- mail

    Telephone Number 070415272



About the merchant: address: …………………………………………………….


Contact person: ...............................................



The publication of data and documents on the Platform by by notifying the Merchant of the publication has the same legal force as the submission from the previous paragraph.


Article 7

Final Provisions


Starshop reserves the right at any time to amend and/or supplement the General Terms of Use at any time and publish the new General Terms of Use on the Platform, whereby the new General Terms of Use will replace the previously valid General Terms of Use.


The new General Terms of Use will enter into force and apply after the fifteenth day from the day of publication on the Platform and on that day they will become valid, applicable and binding for the business relationship between Starshop and the Merchant without the need for them to be separately approved by the Merchant.


In the event of a change to the General Terms of Use, the Merchant has the right within the term specified in Article 5 paragraph 2 point 2 of this Agreement to unilaterally terminate this Agreement by providing Starshop with a written notice, without the right to demand from Starshop any compensation.


The contracting parties will attempt to peacefully resolve all possible disputes that may arise in connection with this Agreement, otherwise the Basic Civil Court in Skopje shall agree to resolve them.


This Agreement is made in 2 (two) identical copies, 1 (one) for each Contracting Party.





About Starshop                                                                            About the Merchant